[W-NCZW] North Carolina Zoo Wire
The North Carolina Zoo Wire provides coverage of news, events, press releases, animal birthdays, and other updates from the NC Zoo. Acme News has been covering the North Carolina Zoo since 2018, including:
- Attending every Zoo Council meeting
- Reporting on all Zoo press releases
- Tracking events and animal birthdays
- Maintaining a library of thousands of photos from the Zoo, including animals, art, and more
All articles in this wire adhere to AP style guidelines and Acme News' News Reporting Policy.
Packages include:
- Articles: Article, photo (from our library or provided by the Zoo), and out notes and sources.
- Standalones: A photo with IPTC caption and a notes and sources.
Subscribers to our NC Zoo wire also receive access to our NC Zoo tracking calendar, which shows news, important information, and events.
Wire Service
North Carolina Zoo
(Asheboro, N.C., U.S.A.)
- Google Calendar
- Text List (Custom Format)
- Programmatic Access
Updated Weekly
You can view our reporting of the North Carolina Zoo by clicking the button below.
[DF-NC_76_E] Randolph County Events
Events for Randolph County, N.C. This data feed acts an an event calendar and contains information for community events, parades, concerts, festivals, farmers markets, government meetings, NC Zoo events, job fairs, blood drives, and more. (Events in the data feed usually contain either a link to the event source, or an attached flyer, photo, or other file.)
The event calendar is updated at least once each week with news events and usually covers at least 90 days of upcoming events.
Access is available via Google Calendar, as an ICAL, CSV, or JSON file. We can also provide you a text or PDF file that uses custom dates and/or your outlet uses a custom format for listing events or word count. (See example below)
Data Feed
Randolph County, N.C., U.S.A.
- Google Calendar
- Text List (Custom Format)
- Programmatic Access
Updated Weekly
Here is an example of data for events for tomorrow. In this example, the format being used is:
[Date (MONTH DAY)] [Time] - [Title] - [Location] [Event Details]
The formatting of the text can be modified to match how your outlet lists events.